Research – Unit 2

This is some of the Secondary Rese



Secondary Research

Veterans Logos


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Logo 1

I like this logo because it features a silhouette in the shape of a military helmet, this automatically shows that it is representing Veterans without the use of the text. The colour scheme is very simple but effective using just black and white in the logo. I like how the logo uses a dove which is the symbol of piece and relaxation which is what some veterans fought for to protect their country and end fighting.

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Logo 2

I like this logo because it features a contrasting colour scheme in the colour palette of the United States of America flag, the origin of the club. I do however think that the choice of fonts is quite basic and boring because they are generic sans-serif fonts that accompany most pieces of software. In contrast to the other Logo, this logo would be more expensive to use in industry as the other logo is two colours and is suitable for black and white printing, but this logo would only be suitable for coloured prints. The logo represents Veterans by incorporating the colours of the USA flag which is a country with a strong military and also features the stars which are symbolic of the country and the people who helped protect it in wars.


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Logo 3

I like this logo because it features the colours and flag pattern of the flag of the United States of America. I feel this logo is a lot better than the other two Veteran Logos and the colours are a lot more sharp and saturated than the other two. This logo represents Veterans by using a crest with the flag of the USA inside with a soldier in uniform saluting, this represents the professionalism of the Soldiers who have fought for the US Army and how brave they are. The logo also comes with the tagline “Salute The Brave” which supports the philosophy of the Soldiers and their duty.


Food Photography

Examples of Drinks

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Drink 1

This is the first drink i chose, i think it has a natural feel to it which implies it is a fruity drink potentially with alcohol. The colours are very vibrant and features a wide variety of tones of yellow and orange. The extra additions of Ice and an Orange slice makes the drink look visually pleasing.

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Drink 2: Iced Tea

The second drink i chose was this image of a glass of Iced Tea, I chose this image because of its bright vibrant colours and how the composition of the ice and lemon slice is laid out. When I compare this drink to the first drink i chosen, despite being two different drinks altogether, they look very similar.

Image result for baileys glass
Drink 3: Baileys and Ice

This is the third image i chose, it is a glass of Baileys Cream Whiskey with ice. I chose this image because the drink looks intriguing and calm. I think the ice looks very sharp and really stands out. There is a balance created as the drink is relaxing while the glass gives it a kick and changes the composition of the drink completely. Due to the strength of the whiskey, the drink is usually drank in smaller portions which explains the size of the glass.


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Grilled Salmon with Spiced Cranberry

This is the first Main Meal I chose, it is Grilled Salmon with Cranberry with two slices of lemon. I chose this image because of it’s composition, the use of saturated colours and the patterns and textures on the Grilled Salmon which make this meal appetising. There is also a short exposure time used to create a blur in the background.


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Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas

This is the second Main Meal I chose, it is Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas. I chose this image because of the vibrant colours used in the photograph which makes the meal look high quality. I also like its composition and the use of the fork with the fish on it which makes the image look better than just showing an image of the food on its own.


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Spanish Paella

This is the Third Main Meal I chose, it is a Spanish Paella. I like this image because of its use of wild colours and textures which make up for a good use of composition, the meal looks appetising as well as mysterious due to the amount of ingredients included in it to give it its distinctive look and appeal.



Magazine Covers

I gathered images of Food Photography Magazines online as part of my Secondary Research. I chose magazines with a good design which appealed to me and the sort of design I would like to use for my own Food Magazine.



This is one of the magazine covers I chosen as part of my Secondary Research. I think the image of the spaghetti works really well with the background colour as it is quite plain but makes the food stand out. The use of typefaces on this cover is very modern and there are not too many variations of fonts and overall the cover is not filled with too much information which gives it a refreshing design . This issue of the magazine also seems to resolve around an Italian Theme will a list of items available in this issue of the magazine which gives the magazines overall design a cultural overhaul.


I chose this cover because of its use of blue in its background, its a soft shade of blue which is associated with calm feeling. The layout of the cover is fairly minimal but features enough information but should feature on a traditional magazine such as the Masthead, pricing and article information. Compared to the first cover, this cover feels a lot more relaxed and complaisant.


I like this Magazines composition and layout and its use of bright warm colours. The selection of typefaces are good on the cover but I think there are too many different fonts used on the cover,especially on the small print. The background is a birch wooden table which gives good contrast with the food in the foreground. Compared to the other two covers, this cover is a lot more overloaded with information, colours and fonts. Although I think this works to the magazines advantage as there is a lot of information to include and it is positioned well so the text doesn’t the image of the food.

Image result for charity website banners

This is the first banner I chose, it is the Help for Heroes Charity. I think the use of typography is very relevant to the charities image and what they represent as well as the colours used. I believe the charities philosophies are represented in the banners as it uses the word “support” various times which is the charities goal to help wounded soldiers who are suffering depression or life changing injuries or trauma.

Image result for dogs trust uk banners

This is the second charity I chosen, it is for Dogs Trust, their main colour palette is yellow with a black typeface.Yellow is a bright and joyous colour which represents the charities philosophies and be positive despite the size of the problems the charity faces every day.

Image result for cancer research uk banners

This is the third charity I chosen, it is for Cancer Research UK. Their primary styling seen on all of their work is present which is the purple, pink and blue colour palette in their own unique typeface.


Image result for royal british legion banner

Image result for road safety posters phones

This is the first Road Safety poster I researched. It appeals to the 16-14 year old age range because of its mild scare tactic and its clean design with not too much information which can put people off paying attention to the poster. I like this poster because of it’s clever use of typefaces inside the phone.

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This is the Second Road Safety poster campaign I researched. It uses the word DYING in bold red and is a double-entendre as it has two meanings, it is in bold red to stand and the use of red symbolises danger. It also shows what the poster is about as it shows a person on their phone, but instead of the conventional shot, the image is reflected in the wing mirror of the car which is a smart and rare choice of shot.

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This is the third Road Safety Campaign poster I researched. It uses the slogan “Buckle Up-Phone Down” with the use of arrows to accompany the phrase. I think this is a good poster as it uses a line which is easy to remember and conveys the message and tries to prevent incidents. It also uses the use of the arrows in colours, up being blue and down being red which shows that putting down your phone and wearing your seatbelt is crucial to your safety on the road.

Image result for road safety posters phones

This is the fourth Road Safety Campaign I researched. It uses Scare Tactics and the use of blood to imply that the consequences of driving on your phone could be life threatening. It also has the slogan “The New Type of Roadkill” which shows the amount of incidents on the road have significantly increased that it is now a huge problem on the roads.


Image result for road safety posters phones

This is the Fifth Road Safety Campaign Poster I researched. This poster is my favourite and I feel this poster appeals more to the 18-24 year old target audience than the other posters I researched because of its simple colour scheme and more importantly its informal aspect. The use of text language and slang appeals to the target audience and will most likely appeal to them more than the other posters.




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